2015.01.15 12:42
We are trying to put more translations here as much as we can, please keep coming back for update. For update in Thai, visit ETDA ICT Law Center.
Electronic transaction, cybercrime, cybersecurity, privacy, surveillance-related bills that just got approved by Thai Cabinet on 6 January 2015 — in English.
Proposed by Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
- National Digital Committee for Economy and Society Bill *
- Ministry of Digital for Economy and Society Bill +
- Electronic Transaction Bill (amendment) [PDF] [Open Document]
- Computer-related Crime Bill (amendment) + [PDF] [Open Document] — Translation of the Act, as announced in the Government Gazette (24 Jan 2017).
- Cybersecurity Bill [PDF] [OpenDocument]
- Personal Data Protection Bill [PDF] [Open Document]
- Digital Economy Promotion Bill *
- Digital Development for Economy and Society Fund Bill *
- Broadcasting and Telecommunication Regulator Bill (amendment)
- Electronic Transaction Development Agency Bill (amendment)
* Got merged together eventually, already passed and announced in the Government Gazette.
+ Already passed and announced in the Government Gazette.