2011.06.02 12:45
How Thai state policies, laws, and their enforcements affect civil and political rights, freedom of expression, freedom of associations, and the lives of individual citizens and human rights defenders.
This document has ten pages, in three-part structure: Legal Framework, Proposal for Legal Reform, and Notable Cases (15 cases in total). Content based on researches by Freedom of Expression Documentation Center (a project by iLaw), Thai Netizen Network, and a Joint CSO UPR Submission to the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (March 2010) with additional individual cases – updated on 2 June 2011, with the latest case of 30 May 2011.
For inquiries, please kindly contact Freedom of Expression Documentation Center at ilaw@ilaw.or.th and +66.2276.3676.
Tags: anonymity, autonymity, DSI, Egypt, Internet censorship